27 September 2009

What are those you ask?

Over the years in the field of endeavour in which I find myself, I have collected items that intrigue me. These have an intrinsic beauty to me; not the same beauty one might find in a beautiful sunset or a sculpted body, but a beauty all to itself, made by the hands and tools of mankind, engineers, scientistst, and technicians.

These are so often put aside as "science" and therefore not even considered as "art", whatever that might mean. But, is the massive structure of an architect not art? Does the sculptor use tools and materials once only used to build and construct? Does a photographer limit himself only to images of finished items, using a man made tool once never imagined? My answer is maybe.

But the form I find is full of these; yet ignored by those with a conformed idea of what art is, and should be. I have found a level much deeper than that accepted as valid. That is especially why I find it so full of beauty.

Not many will perceive this. Few, if any, will leave possessing any of the energy captured in these forms. Most, not all, will disregard their beauty solely on the basis of its origin. Some will scoff due to the messenger's lack of "valid training in the arts"

I ask only that you keep an open mind to what appears before you. Consider the years of thought and tedious hours of the faceless many that contributed to what you see, or experience. Then you will know as I do that beauty also comes from a much deeper source than currently captured and performed.

By no means am I, or even consider myself, an artist. The artists are the ones who created these works. I am only one window through which you can peer. My work is to deliver what I see to you (which might be no one).

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